爭議內容範本: 必須在購買後的45天內申請~~
第一種 : 存款未入帳
Dear plus bonds, I send money to xxxxxx(你投資的站名), but it didn't be deposited to my account of xxxxxx(你投資的站名).
Select your desired outcome for the described case 選 I would like a full refund
第二種 : 存款已入帳但錢領不出來
Dear plus bonds, I invested in xxxxxx(你投資的站名), but I didn't get the payment after requesting withdraw.
Select your desired outcome for the described case 選 I would like a full refund
第三種 : 已經領過錢但還沒完全回本
Dear plus bonds, I invested $xxx(你的本金) in xxxxxx(你投資的站名), but they only paid me $xx(你領回的金額) and now they stop paying to me, so I want to ask refund the part of principle they haven't paid me yet, it is $xxx(尚未領回的本金金額).
Select your desired outcome for the described case 選 I would like a compensation
I invested $ (填入你的本金), but due to issue between the investment company and Payza, I could not withdraw my money from the company, so I request a refund directly from Payza here.Please refund
我投資美元(填入你的本金),但由於發行之間的投資公司和Payza,我無法從該公司撤回我的錢,所以我要求退款直接從Payza here.請退款
Did not recieve payment within 48 hours(己經沒收到錢有48小時這裡可以改), please pay me soon, or refund my investment?
I had invested $500.00 (我共投資500美金)and recieved $100.00(我己領了100.00)
so far. All I am asking is just the rest of my money, $400.00